by Admin | Nov 10, 2013
Believed since ancient times to be an aphrodisiac, for this reason large quantities of the tubers were sold in 18th & 19th century. (when flowering the erect spadix has obvious sexual symbolism) Sometimes called Starchwort as the starch obtained from the root was...
by Admin | Nov 10, 2013
Used as an antiseptic, astringent & weak sedative. The root is used in homoeopathy to treat nervous conditions & externally for the treatment of ulcers. Seeds are POISONOUS with similar effect to Monkshood ‘Aconitum’
by Admin | Nov 10, 2013
Used by ancient Chinese as arrow tip poison & in medieval times to poison wolves. Never to be taken internally. Aconite preparations are applied externally as pain killers and sedatives to treat sciatica, neuralgia & rheumatic pain.