Cultivated over 4,000 years ago by the Egyptians. It has long been known as a diuretic, useful in treatment of rheumatic conditions as it hastens the flushing of waste products accumulated in the joints out of the body in the urine. Greek physician Dioscorides...

ARUM ‘Cuckoopint’ Lords & Ladies

Believed since ancient times to be an aphrodisiac, for this reason large quantities of the tubers were sold in 18th & 19th century. (when flowering the erect spadix has obvious sexual symbolism) Sometimes called Starchwort as the starch obtained from the root was...

APIUM ‘Celery’

  Cultivated for over 3,000 years. Italian gardeners developed the celery we know today. Used to treat rheumatic conditions & gout. Seeds are useful in arthritis, helping to detoxify the body & improve circulation of blood to the muscles & joints. Celery...

AGRIMONIA EUPATORIA ‘Agrimony’ ‘Sicklewort’

Long used by herbalists to staunch blood flow and encourage clot formation. Mild astringent. Used for acute sore throats, chronic catarrh, diarrhoea in children, cystitis & urinary incontinence. Also used for kidney stones, rheumatism & arthritis &...

ACONITE ‘Monkshood/Wolfbane’

Used by ancient Chinese as arrow tip poison & in medieval times to poison wolves. Never to be taken internally. Aconite preparations are applied externally as pain killers and sedatives to treat sciatica, neuralgia & rheumatic pain.